Newly released public records show that California public health officials worked for five years on a set of guidelines to warn the public about the potential dangers of cell phones, revising their work 27 times with updated research before abandoning the efforts without ever making their concerns public until ordered by a judge.
“If we talk about persons with this higher sensitivity that we call “electrohypersensitivity,” that has been shown to be somewhere between 3 per cent up to 13.5 per cent in different countries. Here in Sweden it’s around 3.5 per cent—meaning that we have approximately 250,000 persons that are electrohypersensitive. And in United States that would boil down to something around 15 million persons. And it’s interesting that these 3 per cent, they are equal to the number found by the American National Toxicology Program; in their cancer investigation, they also arrived at a figure of 3 per cent.”
-Prof. Olle Johansson
Microwave exposure has been shown to cause a decrease of 5-HT in the blood. 5-HT is a precursor to the production of the brain hormone serotonin. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to anxiety and depression.
Changes in the levels of the brain hormone, dopamine have also been shown to be connected with microwave radiation and other EMF exposure. A drop in dopamine levels has also been linked with depression.
A study conducted around a radio and TV tower in Switzerland in the mid 1990s showed that the local population suffered from insomnia and other neurological problems such as nervousness, weakness, tiredness, restlessness and aching limbs whilst the tower was operating, but resumed normal sleeping patterns when it was switched off. Dr Cherry explained that this was due to reduced melatonin levels caused by exposure to the signal.
“EMR interacts and interferes with communication systems in our brains, hearts, cell and bodies through neurotransmitters and neurohormones, including the serotonin/melatonin system.”
-Dr. Neil Cherry
Dr. Gerald Crabtree, a leading geneticist from Stanford University in the US in a paper published in the journal Trends in Genetics, Dr. Crabtree says unavoidable changes in our genetic makeup, combined with advances in technology have caused us to become a mutation of our former human selves, and a lot less brighter than our human ancestors. He blames this on processed food and pesticides, all of which are no doubt big contributors, but one can assume from multiple studies showing DNA breaks that microwave radiation would be the strongest contender.
A recent study of 2000 women by Britain’s National Sleep Foundation found that 70 per cent of the women experienced regular ongoing sleep problems, with men only 52 per cent. In the US in 2006, 42 million people (one in five) took medication to help them sleep – up 60 per cent since 2000.
In a report published by the NHS in England in 2012 it was revealed that insomnia was on the rise and spending 50 million pounds a year on drugs. Last year Freedom of Information Inquiries found that 15.3 million prescriptions were handed out compared with 14.5 in 2007-8. Last year the NHS spent 49 million pounds on sleeping drugs – up from 43 million three years previously.